Technical Center and Piloting for Process Engineering Parameters


To precisely determine the key process engineering parameters of complex liquids to be evaporated or crystallized, EBNER offers a state-of-the-art technical center. This facility is equipped with advanced apparatuses to enable comprehensive analysis and evaluation.


The goal of EBNER’s technical center is to provide accurate and reliable data on the process engineering parameters of liquids and suspensions. It allows for detailed investigation and analysis to identify optimal conditions for evaporation and crystallization.

With EBNER’s cutting-edge technical center, complex liquids and suspensions can be analyzed under near-real conditions. The insights gained help enhance the efficiency and reliability of processes and develop innovative solutions for processes.

To conduct experiments on an industrial scale, EBNER offers a mobile pilot plant in a skid for installation at the customer’s site.

Contact us for further information and individual offers. We look forward to supporting you in your projects and working with you to achieve optimal results.